Add an extra touch of fun to your Trivia Crack time with pets by your side!
You’ll find them in different sections of the game: on the main screen, in the Reward Ladder and in the Fortune Wheel.
On the main screen:
- You’ll see a button that says “You have a gift.” If you open it, you’ll receive a pet! Once you enter, you’ll need to assign it a name.
- In the top right corner, you’ll see a carousel. If you swipe through it, you’ll be able to adopt a dog and a cat in exchange for tickets.
In the Reward Ladder:
- If you advance far enough, one of the steps will contain a dog.
In the Fortune Wheel:
- One of the slots will contain a cat.
To keep your pets happy, you’ll need to feed them cookies, which you can earn by playing Classic mode, Pick-a-Prize, Survival, and Seasonal Missions. You can also buy them in the game store or the pet section.
Some pets will give you Ranking points when you feed them, while others will reward you with coins.
As you continue feeding them, you’ll have the chance to level them up (this is optional). The higher the level, the more cookies they’ll need, and the more Ranking points or coins they’ll give you in return.
Their mood will depend on how much you feed them. If you don’t feed them enough, they will, unfortunately, leave. 😞
Once you get your pets, you’ll find them as icons on the main screen with their names. When you enter, you’ll see:
- Their mood
- The number of cookies you currently have
- The feed button, where you’ll see the required cookies to feed them
- The remaining time until you can feed them again
- Their current level and age
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