Discover Daily Question and win incredible prizes by answering just one question from any of our categories. It's your chance to shine! 🌟
You will find it on the main screen, along with other features that will grant you daily rewards. Once you enter, you will see a board where six prize options await you; once you press the Play button, you will receive a random question.
Hurry! You will have 10 seconds to answer correctly. If you do, you must choose your reward and select Collect for it to be added to your balance.
Don't lose the chance to win prizes every day! The Daily Question is renewed every 24 hours, so you will always have a new opportunity to play, and win.
If you don't get the answer right, you can relive the emotion and get a new attempt by viewing an ad or using your tickets.
If you want to get better prizes, you can access the Premium Daily Question in exchange for real money.
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