If you prefer to play without opponents, Triviathon is the ideal modality for you! The objective is to reach the longest possible streak of correct answers, in any category, with only ten seconds to answer each question. ⏰
The more questions you answer consecutively, the more coins you will receive.
If you answer incorrectly, but don't want to break your streak, you can watch a promotional video or use tickets to keep your turn.
Don't be discouraged if you lose! Triviathon does not require lives, so you can play and start again as many times as you want.
While you answer, you can use the following PowerUps:
- Bomb, in exchange for coins but with a higher cost than in Classic mode.
- Right answer.
To make it more challenging, we will offer you missions in which you must complete objectives to obtain special coin prizes 🪙
To get started, press the Play button, or select the calendar icon in the bottom bar of the screen. Dare to challenge your own record and achieve your best streak!
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