Once you make a purchase, the items should be credited to your account immediately. If this does not happen, we recommend the following:
- Force close the application (How to force close the application on Android?).
- Re-open the app and check if you have received the items you purchased.
If the items have not yet been credited to your account, please contact us directly here, including all the information you consider valuable for us to locate the purchase in your message. To facilitate this process, you can send us a screenshot or a photo of the payment receipt for us to see the item purchased, the date of purchase, the value of the purchase and the identification number of the transaction. To find it, we recommend you follow these steps:
- Open the Google Play Store app.
- Tap on your profile picture > "Account" > "Purchase history".
- There you will find the corresponding receipt, which usually has the following format: GPA.1234-5678-9123-45678.
As soon as we receive the information, we will take the corresponding steps so that the purchase is credited as soon as possible.